This typing measurement, called keystroke dynamics, is the detailed timing information that describes exactly when each key was pressed and when it was released as a person types on a keyboard.
Typing patterns can be erratic and inconsistent as something like cramped muscles and sweaty hands can change a person’s typing pattern significantly. Also, they found that typing patterns vary based on the type of keyboard being used, which could significantly complicate verification.
Ref:Coursera looks to verify online student identity with photo, keystroke dynamics Coursera looks to verify online student identity with photo, keystroke dynamics
回复 ( 4 )
以前写过一个东西,搜集一堆自己的the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog的按键相对时间丢进ANN。。。。然后硬生生识别了(所以其实并不是很难
对了这个有个名字,叫keyboard dynamics
不是很了解这个领域,但coursera那个根本不make sense。
另外我试验过满屏typo,不停敲错再改,一次成型没有错,各种速度敲,一个字母一个字母极慢的敲,全都所谓认证成功了… 除非它能识别我按键的力道,否则我不认为那真的是一个认证系统。
我记得以前听学长讲签字识别的时候说根本不可能识别什么字体,这都是能练的,而且不是独一无二。签字识别是因为人的手不是静止的,永远在有轻微的抖动。每个人都抖的频率以及幅度都是不同的。所以你画一条直线也能认出是你。当然这我也是听说,不知道是他们发的paper还是state of art。
This typing measurement, called keystroke dynamics, is the detailed timing information that describes exactly when each key was pressed and when it was released as a person types on a keyboard.
Typing patterns can be erratic and inconsistent as something like cramped muscles and sweaty hands can change a person’s typing pattern significantly. Also, they found that typing patterns vary based on the type of keyboard being used, which could significantly complicate verification.
Ref:Coursera looks to verify online student identity with photo, keystroke dynamics Coursera looks to verify online student identity with photo, keystroke dynamics