All derivatives in scope of IFRS 9, including those linked to unquoted equity investments, are measured at fair value. Value changes are recognised in profit or loss unless the entity has elected to apply hedge accounting by designating the derivative as a hedging instrument in an eligible hedging relationship.
The hedge accounting requirements in IFRS 9 are optional. If certain eligibility and qualification criteria are met, hedge accounting allows an entity to reflect risk management activities in the financial statements by matching gains or losses on financial hedging instruments with losses or gains on the risk exposures they hedge.
The hedge accounting model in IFRS 9 is not designed to accommodate hedging of open, dynamic portfolios. As a result, for a fair value hedge of interest rate risk of a portfolio of financial assets or liabilities an entity can apply the hedge accounting requirements in IAS 39 instead of those in IFRS 9. [IFRS 9 paragraph 6.1.3]
In addition when an entity first applies IFRS 9, it may choose as its accounting policy choice to continue to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39 instead of the requirements of Chapter 6 of IFRS 9 [IFRS 9 paragraph 7.2.21]
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国际准则IFRS9 Financial Instruments中有大量对derivatives的确认以及后续计量的讨论,因为对其判定确认太复杂了。Derivatives
All derivatives in scope of IFRS 9, including those linked to unquoted equity investments, are measured at fair value. Value changes are recognised in profit or loss unless the entity has elected to apply hedge accounting by designating the derivative as a hedging instrument in an eligible hedging relationship.
即衍生品价值的变化是按照fair value计量,其变化在被判断为eligible hedging relationship是计入P/L。但eligible hedging relationship的判断是可以通过会议记录伪造的,即可以通过操纵这种判断的行为去操控利润(老师上课提到过
(这也是IFRS 9一直被讨论修改的原因,因为关于主观判断的太多,所以可操纵粉饰财务报表的地方也太多,目前为止也有没好的处理方法)
Hedge accounting
The hedge accounting requirements in IFRS 9 are optional. If certain eligibility and qualification criteria are met, hedge accounting allows an entity to reflect risk management activities in the financial statements by matching gains or losses on financial hedging instruments with losses or gains on the risk exposures they hedge.
The hedge accounting model in IFRS 9 is not designed to accommodate hedging of open, dynamic portfolios. As a result, for a fair value hedge of interest rate risk of a portfolio of financial assets or liabilities an entity can apply the hedge accounting requirements in IAS 39 instead of those in IFRS 9. [IFRS 9 paragraph 6.1.3]
In addition when an entity first applies IFRS 9, it may choose as its accounting policy choice to continue to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39 instead of the requirements of Chapter 6 of IFRS 9 [IFRS 9 paragraph 7.2.21]