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2017年12月15日 2 条回复 1261 次浏览

发起人:Robot 管理大师

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    Subject: New approach to internal job changes

    From: Lisa Brummel

    To: Microsoft – All Employees (QBDG)

    Sent: 2014.10.21 1:01

    I am pleased to share with you the changes we are officially implementing regardingcareer movement within the company. Beginning November 1, most employees will be free to apply for jobs across the company without manager permission and without a specific time in role. This is a big step in support of helping people learn and grow through job experiences in different parts of the company. It is our goal to encourage people to explore the company to the fullest and to allow for unique skill-building opportunities as people move group to group.

    Here are a few specific points that are important to understand:

    Manager notification and manager permission are no longer needed to be interviewed for another job

    Doing this well requires that employees think about the responsibility they have to their current team while balancing their interest in moving. We strongly encourage talking with your manager about a move since maintaining good connections within the company is important to growing your career.

    No minimum time in role before moving to another position

    There is no longer a minimum time required for a person to stay in role before moving to another job. While this gives tremendous flexibility it can also be a deterrent to learning and growing effectively. Hiring managers inside and outside Microsoft want to understand what skills a person has and how broadly those skills can be applied across a range of experiences. Moving every few months to a different team or group doesn抰 give much time to really learn and apply your skills. We strongly encourage a minimum of six months with a team before moving.

    Using more robust internal tools to help in the job search

    We have implemented a terrific upgrade to our employee profiles withme.microsoft. I would encourage everyone to update their profile. Then, as we expand usage and add functionality in the coming months, I encourage hiring managers to take full advantage of the database of skills and talent available here at Microsoft. We hope that this will help create better matching between available jobs and available skills without individual groups or teams needing to create independent systems for recruiting internal talent.

    We will hold one rule in place as we have in prior years; employees with zero rewards from the most recent rewards period will not have open permission to move to another job. We have put this rule in place to help each employee achieve clear results before moving on to new positions. Having the opportunity to learn and show clear results on a consistent basis is important to career progress. Therefore, the zero rewards rule will remain in place for the foreseeable future.

    Thank you for your feedback on this topic and thanks to Satya for his support in helping to move this important learning opportunity forward.


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