
举报 取消

国内普通本科,英国硕士,五百强工作三年,有海外工作背景。 税前不到三十万
申到了比较好的mba (说名字大家都知道,但不是世界顶尖的那几个)
如果先通过券商(排名前十,但不是top那种)投行部实习 加上mba,mba后再实习,是一条可靠的路线吗?

ps. post mba不一定非要内资券商,金融行业其它的可能性也考虑。外语流利,考虑以后可以在香港/新加坡工作。 如果不转行,mba后税前大概30-40万,保守估计,但是在传统行业,不看好未来前景。向业内人士请教,转行的post-mba能进大券商的投行部吗(或其它金融行业的岗位)?如果可能, 一般是怎么个位置?待遇? 说了这么多其实就是一句话:值得折腾吗?

2017年2月23日 1 条回复 1792 次浏览

回复 ( 1 )

  1. 张小西
    举报 取消


    Graduate Program: MD和HR协商。IT有10个,财务分析这块有2个名额。其他部门不太清楚。估计一共不超过30。都是G5毕业的,如有其他学校一般都有些关系的。财务招的2个我看了20分简历,平均一分钟一个,主要看2:1和相关实习简历。给HR报上去4个,跟其他的进入下一轮AC。接下来就不操心了。起薪三万英镑左右。

    Special scheme: 今年是Return to work. 是给有经验的人由于种种原因比如家庭,疾病,旅游,深造, 出国等中断2年工作,目前想回到投行的。(基本内推,还有给专门合作的中介)

    Experienced hire: D以上级别基本猎头搞定,找的基本都是VP级别,过来自己要带小组的。有一些职位主要是一直是Contractor/Consultant在做,超过二年以上成本太高。现在到财政年底,我刚给其中一个MD发了减少Consultant的指标。这些职位其实一直有招,但很少有合适的。投行圈子不大,跳来跳去都在圈子里。





    补充一下,这是这周我看到的entry level 的职位,学历不限因为是代理放出来的,大家可以做个参考。具体哪家投行不知道。

    Trainee Developer 40K

    As a junior developer in the Front Office you will be working on systems involved in pricing, executing, booking and processing of trades. You will work on a range of tasks from small development enhancements through to large scale systems implementations.

    Support Analyst/Developer 40K

    You will responsible for implementing and supporting a range of systems primarily for users in the Securities Services and Compliance departments. This role involves analysis support, maintenance and interfacing of the third-party applications.

    Front Office/CRM 40K

    Primary responsibility is to support the Client Relationship Management function covering key aspects of the business (Equities, Fixed Income and Primary Markets) including Clients analytics, Relationship Management and Salesforce maintenance.

    Treasury Analyst 40K

    You will take an active part in the daily market-facing funding activities of this department, demonstrate a keen interest in financial markets, particularly fixed income and understand the fundamental relationships between the macro-economic environment and liquidity management.

    Primary Debt Analyst 40K

    You will gain invaluable insight to Corporate & Public Sector Debt Capital Markets, Financial Institutions Debt Capital Markets and Debt Syndicate. This role will provide you with the opportunity to support both existing and new clients, revenue generation and liaise with Trading and Sales teams to gain a deeper understanding of financial markets.


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