Apache Commons, is an open-source for creating reusable Java components. It has numerical packages for linear algebra and non-linear optimization.
ND4J is an open-source library that supports n-dimensional (ND) arrays, similar to NumPy. It runs on distributed GPUs or CPUs cross-platform. It supports thedeep learning library Deeplearning4j.
Colt provides a set of Open Source Libraries for High Performance Scientific and Technical Computing.
Efficient Java Matrix Library (EJML) is an open-source linear algebra library for manipulating dense matrices.
JAMA, a numerical linear algebra toolkit for the Java programming language. No active development has taken place since 2005, but it still one of the more popular linear algebra packages in Java.
Jblas: Linear Algebra for Java, a linear algebra library which is an easy to use wrapper around BLAS and LAPACK.
Parallel Colt is an open source library for scientific computing. A parallel extension of Colt.
DataMelt, an open-source Java libraries for numerical calculations, data I/O and visualization of scientific results. Used together with Jython.
JMSL Numerical Libraries, is a comprehensive set of mathematical, statistical, data mining, financial and 2D/3D charting classes.
Matrix Toolkit Java is a linear algebra library based on BLAS and LAPACK.
OjAlgo is an open source Java library for mathematics, linear algebra and optimisation.
exp4j is a small Java library for evaluation of mathematical expressions.
la4j is a tiny Java library and it provides linear algebra primitives and algorithms.
Universal Java Matrix Package UJM is a Java library which provides implementations for sparse and dense matrices, as well as linear algebra calculations such as matrix decomposition, inverse, multiply, mean, correlation, standard deviation, etc.
Java Matrix Library A thoughtfully designed Java library for dealing with Matrices ( Matrix Theory ). Simple, Intuitive and Flexible. The library revolves around a Matrix interface. Operations are thoughtfully distributed. Not guilty of exposing all-in-one Matrix class.
JDistLib Java Statistical Distribution Library is a Java package that provides routines for various statistical distributions. A manual translation of distributions provided by R statistical package.
SuanShu by Numerical Method Inc. is a large collection of numerical algorithms including linear algebra, (advanced) optimization, interpolation, Markov model, principal component analysis, time series analysis, hypothesis testing, regressions, statistics, ordinary and partial differential equation solvers.
2、Java Numerics: Main
Apfloat is a arbitrary precision floating-point arithmetic package.
ArciMath BigDecimal is an extension of java.math.BigDecimal based on IBM’s Java Specification Request.
Colt is a free Java toolkit containing data structures and utilities intended for high performance computing.
Commons-Math The Jakarta Mathematics Library is is a library of lightweight, self-contained mathematics and statistics components addressing the most common problems not available in the Java programming language.
Drej, an open-source Java library for linear and non-linear least-squares regression and regularized least-squares classification.
A translation of the ELEFUNT Elementary Functions Testing Package has been ported to Java. The collection also contains extensions to java.lang.Math and new classes for numeric output formatting.
IBM’s AlphaWorks contains several tools of interest, including
library of correctly rounded elementary functions intended for use with Java.
Ninja, a set of classes for numerically intensive Java, including complex, multidimensional arrays, and the BLAS. (RETIRED)
Java Numerical Toolkit (JNT)
Special functions including Bessel functions, Chebyshev series.
Zero root finder
Random Number generators for uniform and normal sequences of floating point numbers and long integers.
Java Ultimate Math Package, a framework for arbitrary precision computations.
The Java3D effort produced a matrix package for use in graphics.
JMSL, a collection of mathematical, statistical and charting classes, written in 100% Java, marketed by Visual Numeric, Inc. Includes linear algebra, zero finding, splines, ordinary differential equations, linear programming, nonlinear optimization, FFTs, special functions, regression, ANOVA, ARMA, Kalman filters.
JLargeArrays, a pure Java library of one-dimensional numeric arrays that can store up to 2^63 elements.
JSci, a set of Java packages for linear algebra, statistics, wavelets. Includes chart/graph components and a partial MathML DOM implementation.
jScience contains packages for numerical linear algebra, for computing with units (e.g., kg., sec.), and other utility operations.
Jspline+ is a spline approximation library for Java developed at the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (RAS) in Novosibirsk. It contains classes for univariate and multivariate spline approximation on scattered meshes, as well as core matrix and linear system solution classes.
JTransforms, The first open source, multithreaded FFT library in pure Java.
Koalog Constraint Solver is a commercial Java library for solving combinatorial optimization problems using Constraint Programming or Local Search.
Least Squares Software markets the jCrunch[tm] class libraries for numerical computing.
mpjava is a Java implementation of David Bailey’s Fortran-based multiprecision package. The package performs multi precision floating point arithmetic with arbitrary precision level. It takes advantage of Java’s inheritance facility to provide smooth transition from primitive arithmetic types.
netlib has a small collection of Java numerical classes.
A Numerical Library in Java for Scientists and Engineers, a book published by CRC Press, contains a CD-ROM with translation into Java of the library NUMAL (NUMerical procedures in Algol 60).
ojAlgo, an open source pure Java mathematics package containing matrices, complex numbers, and optimization, with links to Jama, Jampack, and Colt. .
OpsResearch has developed a freeware library of more than 450 Operations Research objects, including packages for linear programming, graph-theoretic problems, linear algebra, nonlinear equations, probability and geometry.
The Orbital library is a class library providing object-oriented representations and algorithms for logic, mathematics and artificial intelligence. It includes theorem proving, computer algebra, search and planning, as well as machine learning algorithms.
A set of Java classes from the book Ordinary and Partial Differential Equation Routines in C, C++, Fortran, Java, Maple and Matlab can be obtained from author William Schiesser.
Parallel Colt, An attempt to implement fully multithreaded version of Colt. Still in early development stage.
RngPack, a pseudorandom number generator library.
SSJ, Stochastic Simulation in Java, provides facilities for generating random variates, computing measures related to probability distributions, performing goodness-of-fit tests, applying quasi-Monte Carlo methods, collecting elementary statistics, and programming discrete-event simulations.
SuanShu, a large collection of Java classes for basic numerical analysis, statistics, and optimization.
Linear Algebra, BLAS
JAMA (JAva MAtrix package) provides factorizatons (LU, Cholesky, QR, SVD) and symmetric/non-symmetric eigenvalue problems. Jama is a proposed interface standard for dense linear algebra computations. The package has been relesed for comment by the MathWorks and NIST.
Jampack (JAva Matrix PACKage) is a collection of cooperating Java classes for numerical linear algebra. Jampack fully supports complex matrices. Developed by Pete Stewart of the University of Maryland and NIST, Jampack is preliminary and incomplete, but is being released to see if there is sufficient interest to continue its development.
Java Lapack is available from netlib at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. This code was automatically translated from the Fortran version of the well-know LAPACK linear algebra package using f2j.
la4j is a pure Java library for linear algebra that uses many structural and object oriented patterns from the classic GoF book.
The Linear Algebra component of the Java Numerical Toolkit (JNT) provides LU, QR factorizations, optimized BLAS, and sparse matrices.
MTJ is designed to be used as a library for developing numerical applications, both for small and large scale computations. The library is based on BLAS and LAPACK for its dense and structured sparse computations, and on the Templates project for unstructured sparse operations.
OpsResearch has developed a freeware library of more than 450 Operations Research objects which include a complete implementation of the BLAS in both serial and parallel versions.
The OwlPack: a general purpose linear algebra library in polymorphic, object-oriented style Java, based on the standard Fortran LINPACK library. Not meant for high-performance applications. Rather, serves an exercise in writing scientific programs in Java in an elegant, object-oriented style, given sufficient compiler technologies to ameliorate the performance problems
Steve Verrill developed one of the first Java linear algebra packages from the Fortran BLAS and LINPACK.
Universal Java Matrix Package (UJMP) is an open source Java library which provides sparse and dense matrix classes, as well as a large number of calculations for linear algebra like matrix multiplication or matrix inverse. UJMP uses multiple threads for calculations for improved performance on modern hardware. Also supported are visualization methods, import/export filters for various file formats, and interfaces to Matlab, Octave and R.
The vecmath package in the Java 3D(TM) API provides general matrix and vector classes (GMatrix, GVector) along with its specialized matrix classes for graphics applications.
EJML is a linear algebra library for manipulating dense matrices. Its design goals are; 1) to be as computationally efficient as possible for both small and large matrices, and 2) to be accessible to both novices and experts. These goals are accomplished by dynamically selecting the best algorithms to use at runtime and by designing a clean API. EJML is written in 100% Java.
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直接搜关键词:numerical computations in java
2、Java Numerics: Main
MPJ Express,java的MPI并行计算实现