奥地利总统选举被法院宣判无效,理由是在计票过程中有违反法律和计票程序的情况。在左翼绿党以3万票(1%总票数)的微小优势险胜右翼的自由党后,自由党提出在117个选区里有94个计票过程违法,包括提早计票、未经授权的人员参与计票、16岁以下未成年人和外国人投票等等。奥地利最高法院裁决总统选举无效,重新进行选举。The Guardian: Austrian presidential election result overturned and must be held again
Over the course of the investigation, it had emerged that several counting centres had begun to process postal votes on the eve of the election, rather than on the day after the election, as Austrian electoral law requires.
Witness statements in court also revealed that election observers in some centres had signed minutes of the vote count without having read them.
BBC News:Austria presidential poll result overturned
In two weeks of hearings, lawyers for the Freedom Party argued that postal ballots were illegally handled in 94 out of 117 districts.
It alleged that thousands of votes were opened earlier than permitted under election rules and some were counted by people unauthorised to do so.
The party also claimed to have evidence that some under-16s and foreigners had been allowed to vote.
In its ruling, the court said election rules had been broken in a way that could have influenced the result.
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