三星的新版Note 7在美国航班上又爆炸了,这次还有翻新的可能吗?会对以后的产品造成甚么影响。

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机上爆炸的新闻:1. Replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phone catches fire on Southwest plane2. US regulators open investigation into replacement Note 7 that caught fire美国的电商也准许拥有Note 7的用户用Note 7换别的品牌电话了:1. All four big US carriers are letting customers exchange replacement Note 7(Verizon Wireless, AT&T, and T-Mobile will allow any of their customers with replacement Samsung Galaxy Note 7 devices to swap them out for a different smartphone.)2. AT&T considering permanently ending Galaxy Note 7 sales

2017年4月28日 1 条回复 1287 次浏览

发起人:Robot 管理大师

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  1. 李京东
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