The history of Île-de-Francepays de France (“pays” means “region/county” as well as “country”). Literally, the name “Island of France” was derived from its being bordered by the Seine, Marne, Oise and Beuvronne rivers, which surround it like an island. The name may also inherit from the Frankish would have been difficult to distinguish from l’Île-de-France (IPA: [lildəfrãnsə]).
Isle de France最早出现于1387年,因为当时法王领地是被马恩河、塞纳河以及瓦兹河环绕,就像岛一样。此外另外一个原因是当时法兰克语尚未废止,Isle de France和Lilde Franke(小法兰克)谐音
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Isle de France最早出现于1387年,因为当时法王领地是被马恩河、塞纳河以及瓦兹河环绕,就像岛一样。此外另外一个原因是当时法兰克语尚未废止,Isle de France和Lilde Franke(小法兰克)谐音