发起人:Joe De 管理新人

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  1. CFMars
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    Strategic Management PhD level已经没有教材之说了。基础的是某一领域的开山鼻祖书籍,或者某一领域的开山鼻祖Paper。


    1. Simon. Administrative Behavior
    2. March & Simon. Organziations
    3. Cyert & March. Behavioral theory of firm
    4. Penrose. Theory of the growth of the firm
    5. Coase. Theory of the firm
    6. Neslon & Winter. An evolutionary theory of economic change
    7. Porter. Competitive strategy
    8. Milgrom & Roberts. Economics, Organizations and Management
    9. Chandler. Invisible hand
    10. Schelling. Strategy of conflict
    11. Granovetter & Swedberg. The sociology of economic life
    12. Scott & Davis. Organizations: Rational, Natural and Open Systems


    1. Barney. 1991. Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage. JOM (RBV)
    2. Eisenhardt. 1989. Agency theory. AMR (Agency)
    3. Teece et.al. 1997. Dynamic capabilities and strategic management. SMJ (Dynamic capability)
    4. March 1991. Exploration and exploitation in org learning. OrgSci (Learning / ambedexterity)
    5. Williamson. 1975. Transaction cost economics. JLE. (TCE)
    6. Kogut & Zander. 1992. Knowledge of the firm, combinative capabilities and the replication of tech. OrgSci (KBV)
    7. Tushman & Anderson. 1986. Technological Discontinuity and org environment. ASQ (Technology)
    8. Uzzi & Brian. 1997. Social structure and competition in interfirm networks. ASQ (Network)
    9. Hannan & Freeman. 1977. Structural inertia and org change. AJS. (Population Ecology)
    10. DiMaggio & Powell. 1983. Iron cage revisited: institutional isomorphism and collective rationality in organizaitonal field. ASR (Institutional theory)


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