作为一名数字游民(digital nomad)是一种怎样的体验?

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数字游民(译自英文词组Digital Nomad),这种已经在西方世界流行了很多年的新兴生活方式随着目前互联网技术的飞速发展和普及以及内容创业的兴起,正慢慢地在国内生根发芽。我是“数字游民部落”的创始人,数字游民部落是一个以数字游民生活方式和Lifestyle Design方法论为主题的中文独立博客,在博客中我已经总结了很多国外数字游民的成功案例,并对一些国内的成功游民进行了访谈,我希望能够借助这个问题让更多国内的数字游民浮出水面,分享自己的成功(或失败)经验,给更多希望打造这种生活方式人们指明道路。


远程办公员工十年翻番 数字游民会成主流吗?

(扫盲贴)什么是数字游民(Digital Nomad)生活方式?

Steven Melendez (23 March 2015), Work From Anywhere But Home: Startups Emerge to Turn You Into a Globetrotting Digital Nomad, Fast Company

2017年2月19日 1 条回复 1263 次浏览

回复 ( 1 )

  1. te Braake
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    I think it is important to keep in mind the distinction between Digital nomads and location independent entrepreneurs

    Digital nomads seem to be the free spirited, travel-loving freelancers like copywriters, designers, coders and such. I think by now, this group is getting more and more well understood and accepted, although it remains a major pain for them to deal with Taxes, visa’s and registrations. Afterall, most Governments are still not used to them.

    The other group is the location independent entrepreneurs. Mostly internet based business, for obvious reasons. Those running a company (without staff, working
    with freelancers or even with dozens of employees around the world) without a
    fixed base.

    For them, I’d say the hassle
    (and opportunity) with taxes and registrations is even bigger.

    I have been working with a couple of location independent businesses, helping them with their financials. What i see is that they love the freedom, love to do business, but do need support from people that understand them to ‘coach’ them on their financials …

    I can only believe people to make the jump – it creates some hassle, and you need to manage that well, but the freedom and experiences do pay off for the right people!


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