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  1. Kenneth Zhang
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    事实上,索尼在这次的 IFA 2015 上推出的是三款手机,分别是 XPERIA Z5 Compact 也就是所谓的迷你版 Z5,XPERIA Z5,和 XPERIA Z5 PREMIUM 也就是题主所说的 4K Z5。

    XPERIA Z5 PREMIUM 基本坐实了之前的传闻。配备了 4K 屏幕,骁龙 810 处理器,3G 内存,侧边按压式指纹传感器,IMX 300 23MP Exmor RS摄像头(配备相位对焦),三防。手机本身的配置可以说是安卓阵营目前的最强硬件配置了。但是加上了 4K 屏,机器的性能表现就要看日后的检验了。

    谈谈屏幕,把 4K 屏压进5.5寸的手机其实是一件很有争议的事情,甚至比当初配备 2K 屏还要激进。索尼这一次的举动,直接把手机的 ppi 提升到了 800 的等级。这次的 Z5 PREMIUM 配备了发热量奇高的高通骁龙 810 处理器。暂且不谈发热及其带来的影响,810 所带的 Adreno 430 GPU 能否带好 4K 屏本身就值得质疑。更何况只要是使用 810 的手机都要面临降频防止过热的问题。而且人眼是否可以在只有 5.5 寸的屏幕上看出 1080p 和 4K 屏的差别,这值得思考。

    4K 屏的配备带来的另一个问题就是,没有相应的 4K 分辨率级别的视频、游戏提供支持。而且机身储存也不太可能支持一个原生 4K 的视频和游戏。

    至于续航,这一次索尼把一块自产的 3430 毫安的锂电池压入了 Z5 内,宣称可以支持两天的日常使用,至于是否属实,还要看之后的用户反映。

    最后再谈谈摄像头,这一颗 IMX 300 据索尼所称是移动端最强摄像头,2300万像素,0.03s 对焦,五倍无损变焦。而且这一次索尼移动和索尼 Alpha 团队进行了合作,从算法和硬件两方面入手,大幅改善了成像画质,还是很令人期待的。

    总而言之,毕竟这是世界上第一部 4K 手机,还是要诚心诚意念索大好。从其的发布,我们可以看到索尼一向致力于引导行业前沿。至于这一次的 Z5 PREMIUM 是否点错了科技树,还是要看最终的市场和用户反映。


    (图片转载自 CNET)

  2. 拳打纱布
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    转自The Verge

    Sony’s Xperia Z5 Premium has an absurd 4K displayLike the Z5 and Z5 Compact, the Premium boasts a new fingerprint sensor built into a redesigned power button on the side of the device. (Sony says this location is marginally more convenient than a sensor at the bottom of the phone and I agree — marginally.) There’s a Snapdragon 810 64-bit processor and 3GB of RAM powering the device, and the same 23-megapixel camera that Sony’s putting into the Z5 and Z5 Compact. The company claims it has the fastest autofocus on the market — just 0.03 seconds — and is making big promises about solving familiar “pain points” for smartphone cameras, like taking pictures in low light. Judgement on that will have to wait for a full review.

    Like the Z5 and Z5 Compact, the Premium has a new fingerprint sensor built into the redesigned power button on the side of the device.

    The Z5 Premium’s screen, however, is more immediately impressive. The 4K resolution of the 5.5-inch display gives an intimidating pixel density of 806 ppi (the resolution of the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus is 401 ppi), and while it’s difficult to say for certain whether it’s the best screen we’ve seen on a smartphone, looking at the preprepared 4K footage Sony included for its demo it would be hard to say it doesn’t deserve a place on the podium.

    What will 4K do to Sony’s promise of up to two days’ battery life?

    This, however, could present problems. Leaving aside the fact that Sony has previously said there’s no need for 2K screens

  3. Simon Feng
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