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先说下本人情况,目前已经拿到十年多次往返签证,也会英语,随时可以去美国,投资目标是年回报率5%以上,投资动机是因为虽然现在国内也有很多保本基金啥的 收益在4左右,但是整体上对中国经济不看好,希望换成美元避开贬值风险,而且也对国内的银行缺乏信任感,但是又受不了美国的低利率,另外有了十年签证以后计划可能每年会有半年去住一住,因此考虑了投资美国房产。作为一个从来没买过房子的小白,要注意一些什么事儿呢? 整个操作步骤是什么样的? 如何找到回报率最高的房子?出租期间我人没在美国的情况下 如何找物业公司代管? 5%的年回报率难度大不大? 是否像我这种没经验的普通人投资了都能做到呢? 是否存在亏损可能? 如何避免?投资预算60万人民币,基本是我个人全部资产了,这样做是否合理呢?

2017年7月26日 10 条回复 1264 次浏览

发起人:Robot 管理大师

回复 ( 10 )

  1. 赵凡
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    Basically, the home buying process in the US will vary from state to state, city to city or even county to county. Specifically, let me explain this process in Texas.

    Generally, there are two forms of buying, with full amount of cash or with mortgage loan from financial institutions, e.g. commercial banks. The majority of sellers will prefer buying with full cash to mortgage loan because it is time-consuming, generally two to three months in Texas, for buyer to pass the mortgage loan application tests in the commercial bank and there exists risks that the bank may fail the applicants. Moreover for the time being, as a foreigner there will be hardly any chance to successfully pass the loan application tests in a US local bank without a cash flow record of at least one year. Therefore I will focus on the full cash purchase process in the content hereof.


    In this process, normally there will be five parties involved, respectively buyer, seller, buyer’s agent, seller’s agent and the title company. In order to let you grasp the whole purchase flow, I will further explain step by step.

    这是说会牵涉到整个交易流程的会有五方参与,分别是买家,卖家,买家经纪人,卖家经纪人和过户公证公司(title company)。

    Step 1: If as a foreigner, you are not familiar with or do not know too much about the local real estate market in the US, it is strongly recommended that you should contract with a local real estate agent. An experienced real estate agent can capture accurate market information and find the best fit property as per your special personal requests. At the same time, an experienced agent should be able to negotiate better contract terms and purchase price on behalf of the buyer. More importantly, a good and responsible agent will be able to ensure the legitimacy of the whole purchase and sale transaction and help you avoid unnecessary lawful issues.


    MLS is a platform that shows most updated public data of properties and connects both listed buyer’s and seller’s agent to facilitate purchase and sale transaction between potential buyer and seller. It is worth mentioning that only data of the property itself can be publicized on the MLS, data that will endanger privacy and safety of both buyer and seller, such as contract terms or vacant times for showings, will not be accessible. With MLS, on behalf of the buyer, the buyer’s agent can connect with the seller’s agent with good track records, which will highly improve the efficiency to find a quality property based on the buyer’s needs.

    上市房地产公开信息综合网(MLS multiple listing service)是咱们个人获取在公开市场出售的房产的主要信息来源了,但是人家强调了数据不会完全披露,隐藏了买卖双方的隐私信息,例如合同细节和空置时间等。MLS 上面,经过买家(就是题主吧)授权的经纪人就可以做功课来优化选择了。

    Step 2: When having a target property, buyer’s agent will make different oral offers to seller’s agent until both seller and buyer come up with an agreement on the transaction price and closing date. Owners of some popular houses, especially those obviously under market value, might receive quite a few offers from different buyers to make the houses on the market very competitive. Therefore the network and experience of an agent for the buyer will be essential.

    选定了标的之后,买家经纪人就会继续帮咱们做跟对方接洽的工作,卖家可能同时收到好几份来自不同经纪人的 offer,所以这时候买家经纪人的人脉经验就很重要了。多说一句,在我自己操作过的案例里面,假设这次交易主要为了投资并不是自住,那么能不能找到并且拿到一栋回报优异的物业的确是非常考验 agent 资历和能力的事情,经验较浅的agent 常常看到一栋”笋盘”挤都挤不进去就被拿走了。而且针对一栋物业的真实价值几何,在议价方面也需要经纪人能够迅速做出判断,所以在一开始接洽阶段可以讲成败都取决于经纪人的能力。

    Step 3: Once the property owner accepts the buyer’s offer, a purchase and sale contract will be signed between them. Names of this kind of contract called can be different in different states. In Texas, it is called ONE TO FOUR FAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONTRACT (for resale), which has been promulgated and approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) and it is available on TREC’s official website . This model contract downloaded from TREC’s official website only provides standard terms for normal transactions. Should there be any additional or special terms for complex transactions, both buyer and seller can negotiate to alter in the contract.

    这一段就是介绍一旦双方初步达成交易意向后,具体签署的合同的情况了。需要记得的是德州的物业委员会 TREC (Texas Real Estate Commission),这个机构在后续的操作中也会一直出现。

    Step 4: Normally a 5-day option period will be given to buyer counted from the effective date when the purchase and sale contract is signed by both parties. An option period is a period within which buyer has an unrestricted right to terminate the purchase and sale contract. However this 5-day option period can be guaranteed only when the buyer pays a non-refundable option fee, usually USD300 to USD500 in Texas, directly to the owner within 3 days from the effective date of the contract. Extension of option period and amount of option fees will always be negotiable, again depending on the experience of buyer’s agent and buyer’s bargaining power.

    第四步就是到一个通常为为期5天的 option period 的冷静期,但是需要交纳一定的意向金。反悔不退哦。

    Usually at reasonable times before the decided closing date (sometimes within option period) in the contract, buyer shall be permitted by seller to have the property thoroughly inspected by licensed inspector (in Texas, inspector shall be licensed by TREC). Any hydrostatic tests should be separately permitted by seller. During the time the contract is in effect, utilities needed for inspections, repairs, treatments and so on, shall always be kept on at seller’s expense. Provided inspected issues, repairs and treatments are agreed by both parties, seller should complete all agreed repairs and treatments before the closing date, unless otherwise agreed in writing, extendable to the upmost 5 days in Texas. Meanwhile at the buyer’s discretion, any transferrable warranties received by seller with respect to repairs and treatments can be transferred to buyer at buyer’s expense. If seller fails to complete the agreed repairs and treatments before the contracted closing date, buyer may seek for remedies such as termination of the contract.

    这是提到房屋检验的问题了。合资格的房屋检验师 Inspector 在华人群体中还不多,执照非常难考,在整个德州也可以掰着指头数出来。休斯顿地区来说的话,白钊民先生是华人圈中最资深和有信誉的持照验房师了,我自己操作过程中跟白先生有长期合作关系。这个步骤也很关键,能不能发现房屋的潜在问题直接影响后续管理和今后出租情况。美国的物业管理成本不菲,说到底也是会影响今后收益的一个环节。

    Step 5: Besides option fees, the buyer needs to deposit a certain amount of earnest money, normally 1% of the sales price, to a designated bank escrow account of a title company within 3 days (negotiable) from the effective date of the contract. If buyer fails to do so, buyer will be in default taking risk of contract termination by seller. In the option period, earnest money should be refunded to buyer when buyer terminates the contract with his unrestricted rights. After the option period, whether the earnest money is refundable to buyer or not depends on whether the buyer or seller is in default.

    这是说除了意向金,通常签约之后还会需要交纳 1% 的保证金,如果合约终止的话保证金能否退换就要看是否已经过了option priod 以及双方如何商定了。

    A title company in the US is a third party that makes sure the title to a piece of real estate is legitimate, issues title insurance for the property and helps buyer to record the title deed in the real estate authority of the state afterwards. The title company makes sure a property title is legitimate, so that the buyer may be confident that once he buys a property, he is the rightful owner of the property. To ensure that the title is valid, the title company will do a title search, which is a thorough examination of property records to make sure that the person or company claiming to own the property does, in fact, legally own the property and that no one else could claim full or partial ownership of the property. Once the title is found to be valid, the title company will likely issue a title policy, which protects owners against claims or legal fees that may arise from disputes over the ownership of the property. Finally a title insurance to fulfill the title policy will be issued after the whole transaction is closed. Generally there are two types of title insurance, one for buyer, the other for lender. When buyer pays by full amount of cash to purchase the property, at buyer’s expense, buyer will be issued with a buyer’s title insurance in the amount of the sales price to protect the buyer against title damages, defects and claims after he owns the property. However, if buyer purchases a property with a mortgage loan, both buyer and lender will be issued title insurances. Lender’s tile insurance insures the priority of lender’s security interest over the property in full amount of the loan. In this case for title insurance’s expenses, buyer should pay for lender and seller should pay for buyer.

    这是介绍 Title Company 的作用和性质了,国人可能都不太熟悉这个概念,目前暂时翻译做过户公证公司吧,说起来好绕口,下面还是直接就用英文的好。它的作用主要就是作为一个第三方机构介入这个买卖过程,以保证其公正合法,同时提供针对不同情况的 insurance,有兴趣的自己看哦。

    For full cash transactions, buyer should thoroughly go over the related terms in the title policy as different title policies will be subject to different exclusions such as restrictive covenants common to the platted subdivision where the property is located and utility easements created by the dedication deed of the property. Additionally in Texas, the earlier of closing date or normally 3 days after receiving the title policy from the title company, buyer may object in writing to defects, exceptions, or encumbrances to title disclosed in the title policy. Buyer’s failure to object within time allowed will constitute a waiver of buyer’s right to object. Provided seller is not obligated to incur any expenses, seller shall cure buyer’s objections within 15 days after receiving buyer’s objections and the original agreed closing date will be extended as necessary. If seller fails to cure buyer’s objections within such 15 days period, contract will automatically terminates and earnest money will be refunded to buyer. In Texas, title examination and title insurance policy issuance will take around two to three weeks from the effective of the contract. At the latest, a title company has to issue a title policy for a property 3 days before the closing date. Otherwise contract could be terminated by buyer and earnest money will be refunded to the buyer.

    Step 6: Within normally 3 days before the agreed closing date, closing documents will be prepared by the title company for both parties to sign on the closing date. Closing documents usually include HUD, tax agreement, notice of settlement agent responsibility, notice of deed restrictions to purchasers and so on (In the future, we will separately explain different contents of closing documents in details if you want. This time we only focus on the whole purchase process.) Therefore both seller and buyer shall execute all contents delivered in the closing documents required for closing and issuance of title insurance. On the closing date, after deducting the paid option fee and earnest money, buyer shall pay the sales price in good funds to the escrow account of the title company. With closing documents signed and full amount of funds in the escrow account, the title company will help record the deed for the buyer in the official public record of real property in the county where the property is located, transfer funds stated in the HUD to seller and issue title insurance. After recording deed in the county, a general warranty deed conveying title will be delivered and a tax and HOA certificate showing no delinquent taxes or payment on the property will be furnished to the buyer. It is noteworthy that all liens or security interests against the property before closing should all be satisfied out of the sales proceeds after title has been transferred to buyer.

    一般几个工作日内 Title Company 会准备好 closing document,当然提醒咱们国内买家要注意美国的节假日安排,最好能提前沟通好,美国一般到年底几个连假一起安排的话工作效率就会很低,而且每个州也有自己特定的一些节假日。后续有需要的话咱们可以再请美国朋友帮忙详细解释下 closing document 里面会包含具体哪些文件。总之到 closing date 时,买家需要打款到 Title Company 的代管账户,然后他们就会接下来再进行相关处理。

    Generally, all closing documents should be signed in the witness of the title company in the US. However, for most of the foreign investors it will not be convenient or realistic to fly a long way over just for signing. There are two ways for foreign investors to avoid this. One is to get all signed documents notarized in the domestic US embassy; the other is to sign in the witness of a licensed and certified public notary who will help investors to notarize all signed documents in the high court. The safest way for notary to be done is in the US embassy as not every country will allow public notary to notarize this sort of documents. Meanwhile, seek for a consultant or lawyer’s professional advice before going for public notary just in case of any mistakes that will affect the purchase process. From my experience, the notary process may take 3 to 5 working days after submitting the signed documents

    这里牵涉到一个外国投资者特有的问题,就是文件签署的时候需要有效见证,美国人是可以到 Title Company 进行。咱们中国的买家可以考虑去大使馆进行见证,或者请当地具有资质的公证人在高院进行公证,一般采用大使馆的途径会比较保险些。

    Step 7: After the purchase and sale transaction is closed, there might be some extra subsequent affairs that need to be dealt with. If the property is subject to a residential lease, a renewed lease contract should be signed between the new owner and the tenant to change landlord’s name to the new owner and the old lease contract will be replaced. Should there be any security deposits, seller shall transfer to buyer after title recording is finished. For those who purchase the property for the purpose of investment instead of dwelling, it will be essential to find a reputable property management company to maintain the property as negligence may cause troubles to the new owner, e.g. owner could be fined by HOA by not trimming grass in the garden. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that property owner should purchase property insurance as unexpected accidents could cause inestimable economic loss on the property such as fire, windstorm and theft although property insurance is not compulsory in the US. Before purchasing, owner should consult insurance agents with good records for professional advices and read carefully terms about the insurance coverage as insurance market in the US could be very complicated.

    To come to a conclusion, these 7 steps generally constitute a full-cash property purchase process in Texas. More details of mortgage, leasing, property management and insurance will be discussed in the future.



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    买中国人喜欢买的房子, 全世界都知道中国人喜欢炒房,中国人买的片区也是升值最快的,因为中国人买了不住,也不出租,在市场上减少了市场供应,片区就升值了。

    现在中国外汇储备是35000亿美元左右,华人最多的旧金山湾区一个中等片区的独栋别墅大约是150万美元左右,你除一下就知道,外汇储备全部耗光,也就最多能买下233万套美国类似房产, 所以应该不会象中国房产那么疯狂(一年2500万套左右),所以期望值放低一些。


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