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    How To Do Something You Don’t Know How To Do

    Oct 9, 2009

    Strategies and goals

    You would think a garage sale wouldn’t be difficult to figure out.
    You prepare a little, you advertise, you put things on card tables, you
    wait. I’ve been wanting to help my son set up a garage sale of a lot of
    things he’s outgrown, where he could be in charge and receive the
    profits, but I’ve been stopped by the idea that I can’t. I live in a
    fairly rural area, on a dirt road that doesn’t get any traffic. I’ve
    been held up by this idea that we should have a garage sale, but I don’t
    know how to set it up so that people will actually come.

    I was thinking about the garage sale this morning and once I really
    turned my attention to it, I realized the idea that I didn’t know how to
    make it work was ridiculous. We will either have a garage sale or we
    won’t. If we do, we’ll either have it here or have it somewhere else. If
    we have it somewhere else, we just have to figure what lucky friend is
    going to get us taking over their porch or garage soon, and ask
    permission. The only reason I’ve been thinking “I don’t know how” is
    because I haven’t been wanting to face it. Garage sales take
    preparation, which I don’t feel like I have time for, and they last a
    whole day, which I definitely don’t have time for, and what if no one
    shows up and all of the effort is wasted and we still have the things
    left over? It’s not that I don’t know how to do it, it’s that the idea has been making me anxious.
    Dealing with anxiety has a lot to do with facing things and answering
    questions. A few simple answers sorted my situation out. We should
    have the sale, because my son will enjoy earning the money and will
    learn about money from it, and because we need the room the old things
    are taking up, and because it’s a waste to have them here if we can get
    them to someone who will actually use them. We should have it here so
    that he can mind the sale and I can do the other things I need to do,
    checking in with him regularly. And we’ll attract traffic as well as we
    can by putting signs out on the main road right near us, which will
    probably give us more custom than we would get in a suburban

    Your something may not be as easy to figure out, but there are
    several useful ways to do something you don’t know how to do. So, what
    are they?

    1. If you really can’t do it, move on

    If you really have no way of accomplishing the task in front of you,
    even after reading the rest of this article, then the problem isn’t
    doing the task: if you honestly can’t do it, then it’s not your
    responsibility. Instead, the problem is facing the inevitable
    consequences of not doing it. This requires a difficult but powerful tool: surrendering to reality.

    The same situation applies if the only way you can do the thing in
    question is to not do something more important. For example, if the only
    weekend we could do the garage sale was the only opportunity we’d get
    for some time to see family members visiting the area, then we’d need to
    give up on the garage sale. Fortunately, there are often more options
    than there seem to be at first, which is what the rest of the article is

    2. You don’t have to do it if it doesn’t need to be done

    Sometimes we resist doing things because they really don’t make sense
    for us to do. If it were for me instead of my son, I probably wouldn’t
    have the garage sale at all, because the amount of money it brought in
    wouldn’t justify the time. Instead I’d donate everything to a local
    recycle shop, which would sell the items to lower-income people for very
    affordable prices. If you feel concerned about how you’re going to
    tackle a problem, make sure first that it makes sense for you to do it
    at all before you start worrying about how.

    3. Do it differently if there’s a better way

    Sometimes difficult problems become much easier if they’re approached in
    an unexpected way. If you have something you’re worried about doing,
    consider whether there are other approaches you could take that would
    simplify things. If my son had a few major items and otherwise mostly
    things that would sell for next to nothing, he could sell the major
    items on eBay or Craigslist, still learning about money and reaping the
    rewards, and we could give the rest away to the recycle shop.

    4. If it can wait, improve your position and then do it

    Some tasks need improved skills before they can be done well, in which
    case a combination of practice and patience will put you in a much
    better position to get the thing done, provided it can wait. Keep in
    mind that research overwhelmingly supports the idea that practically
    anyone of at least average intelligence can excel at almost anything if
    they get in enough deliberate practice.
    If I were worried my son wouldn’t do a good job of running the sale, we
    could spend some time doing pretend sales and finding educational
    computer games about buying and selling to help him learn. We’d have to
    decide whether the sale was worth the effort and whether we could wait
    that long to get the unneeded things out of the house, but it’s possible
    the effort spent learning about money would be more than worthwhile.

    Other tasks benefit from a change in situation. If I were going to
    move in the near future to a location that’s better for a garage sale, I
    might store the sale items away and have the sale there once we’d

    5. If it would work better with help, get help

    Sometimes a little advice or active assistance from a friend, family
    member, mentor, or even a hired professional can go a long way. This
    might be as simple as getting a better idea of the task from someone
    who’s done it already, or as involved as finding and hiring a business
    manager for your new venture if you’re great at the core activity of the
    business but not so great at marketing, accounting, and the other
    general business tasks. For example, I probably have friends who have
    things they’d want to sell too, and a two- or three-family garage sale
    might attract more people.

    6. If it works best to do it now, just do it the best you can

    If it needs to be done, if there aren’t good alternatives, if
    others can’t really help, and if it’s best to do it now (due to ongoing
    problems, limited opportunity, a deadline, etc.), then you’re in the
    same place I was: face things and provide answers. If you don’t know the
    answers to the questions, get the best information you can and answer
    them as well as you can. If you’re having trouble facing things, it’s
    probably due to broken ideas, which means it’s fixable.

    7. If you know what to do but don’t feel motivated, get in touch with your reasons

    Of course, it might be that when you think about it, you
    realize you really do know how to tackle this goal, and it really is an
    important one, but you don’t feel inspired to get in motion. If that’s
    the case, it can help a lot to get in touch with your real reasons for
    accomplishing the goal. If they’re someone else’s reasons, or if you’re
    just trying to fulfill expectations or fit some role, then it may be
    that it’s not such a good goal for you after all. But if the reasons are
    your own, get in touch with them: write down what made you decide to do
    the thing in the first place, or visualize what it will be like to do it–or to have gotten it done.

    Regardless of what approach you take, remember that “I have to but I
    can’t” is a logical impossibility. If there’s really no way to do it,
    you’re off the hook: no one can make you do something you truly can’t
    do. If there is a way to do it, all you have to do is figure out whether
    you’re going to decide to, and if so what the best way is. There’s not
    always a good way, but there is always at least one best way. I hope you find yours. As for me, I have to help my son go sort through some old toys.


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